
There’s an old saying that goes “clothes make the man (or woman).” Our choice of clothing says a lot about us as individuals. Through clothing we can project an outer image for the world to see.
Most time we are often judged from our physical appearance and how our clothing style fits our body shape and sometimes what we wear is used to predict our personality.
Are you down in the dumps, moody, try changing your clothes to change your attitude.
Fashion affects your mood from the outside in a way, Changing your clothes works on your mood from the outside. Ever notice how you feel when you spill something on your shirt or put on a wrinkled blouse? It can be bothersome and irritating. Although it’s not likely to ruin your day, all of a sudden you feel like something’s amiss. You don’t feel quite right. Your outside apparel has affected your feelings inside.
hanging around the house in some old sweatpants could leave you sad, depressed and feeling unaccomplished, although that’s ok once in while, it can end up becoming a habit where you spend more time on the couch with the TV than out in the world. Put on a nice pair of dress jeans and a colorful top. You might notice that you have a little boost of energy and confidence with this new outfit. Essentially you’ve changed your inner attitude by changing your outer world. feeling unaccomplished, although that’s ok once in while, it can end up becoming a habit where you spend more time on the couch with the TV than out in the world. Put on a nice pair of dress jeans and a colorful top. You might notice that you have a little boost of energy and confidence with this new outfit. Essentially you’ve changed your inner attitude by changing your outer world.
Changing your clothes can help you “fake it until you make it.”
If your clothes can make you happy from the  outside, it could also work the other way round (inside out).
It entails using your fashion sense as a form of sxpression, a way to give cue to the world "hello world this is what's going on within me".   if you’re already feeling happy on the inside that you would want to express it on the outside. So take a look at how you’re feeling and decide if you want to express that outwardly to the world. Are you in a good mood? Then dress appropriately to express that feeling. If that means wearing your favorite yellow shirt or are you feeling sad And you out with all fierce make up And dark coloured clothes. It may not seem visible but people notice what we wear and a small amount of guessing a person's mood comes from the clothing appearance.
My parting advice. Your fashion/style is your attitude so you can change it into something better or express it. Whichever physical signal you transmit to the world. Wear it well....
This post was motivated by prince SEYI Williams the crooner of the #fashionmyattitude series.. Happy birthday bro.

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