Men are being abused too (insightful)

A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men according to Gloria Steinem. Most ladies who claim to be be feminists these days focus on domestic violence females suffer or the role of women being relegated. So its no surprise there has been push for Equality bill here and there.
This post will strive to show that men and women are already equal and equality is relative.
Men are typically accused of being insensitive and out of touch with their feelings. We rarely talk about women who emotionally abuse the men they claim to love. But the society is quick to embrace  a lady emotionally abused in her relationship.
 Men have been brainwashed into believing that “she’s just expressing her feelings” when she’s being abusiveand that “he’s insensitive and doesn’t understand.” Unfortunately, they are suffering and bearing heavy burdens. Having to comfort her insatiable emotional need at the expense of his emotions that people assume do not exist.
Another reason why this emotional abuse is under the radar is because of the fact that men are too embarrassed to talk about the hurt, pain and confusion they experience as a result of the way these women mistreat them.
Men do this by Censoring their thoughts and feelings. You edit it yourself because you’re afraid of her reactions. Swallowing the lump in your throat and your hurt and anger is easier than dealing with another fight or hurt feelings. In fact, you may have stuffed your own emotions for so long that you no longer know what you think or feel.

1)Everything is your fault. You’re blamed for everything that goes wrong in the relationship and in general, even if it has no basis in reality.

3) Constant criticism. She criticizes nearly everything you do and nothing is ever good enough. No matter how hard you try, there’s no pleasing her or, if you do, it’
s few and far between.

4) Control freak. She engages in manipulative behaviors, even lying, in an effort to control you.
 One moment she’s kind and loving; the next she’s flipping out on you. She becomes so vicious, you wonder if she’s the same person. The first time it happens, you write it off. Now, it’s a regular pattern.

5) ou’re a jerk. You’re a creep. You’re a bastard. I love you. Don’t leave me.” When you finally reach the point where you just can’t take it anymore, the tears, bargaining and threats begin. She insists she really does love you. She can’t live without you. She promises to change. She promises it will get better, but things never change and they never get better.

The next post will deal with ways of coping with such individuals..

PS: not every female is a Narcissist and not every man abuses female

Posted via odumosu omotoyosi

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