How to cope with an abusive girlfriend

If you think your girlfriend is a narcissist or abuses you emotionally as stated out in the previous article here.
how your girlfriend abuses you.

 If you don't want to break up the relationship. Here are few ways you can cope with such ladies. 

1) Set reinforced steel boundaries and clear limits in regard to her outrageous behavior.

2) Hold her accountable.

3) Stay calm and focused on the central issue when she spirals out of control. She enjoys nothing better than when you spiral into the outer orbits with her. Why? Because then she can depict you as the nasty angry jerk later on when she’s in victim mode and avoid taking responsibility for her own behavior, which probably causes her to feel a great deal of shame.

4) Develop a strong support network. Don’t let her isolate you from people who can help you reality test when she’s flying through the favorite Borderline hot spot, the Land of Distortion.

Should you choose to end the relationship, brace yourself for the inevitable threats, emotional blackmail, bargaining, muckraking and possible suicidal gestures and stalking  behaviors. Try not to feel bad about ending the relationship. 

Many ladies with this habit fear abandonment above all else, yet their behaviors appear designed to drive others away. It’s sad that they do this, but they’re adults. I feel most sorry for the people who are on the receiving end of their more maladaptive and hurtful behaviors.

Also Remember, you’re not the crazy one. One of the most damaging effects of being involved with an abusive woman is that you become programmed into believing her distortions–you’re the bad guy, it’s your fault, you’re angry, you’re not loving, you’re not understanding, she’s a saint to put up with you, you’re beating her down, you’re selfish. Borderlines generally resort to name calling and verbal degradation, which they then justify by wrongly accusing you of doing all sorts of horrible things from insensitivity to infidelity.

If a man treated a woman the way many women treat men, it’d be labeled abuse. It is abuse. It’s just that our society paints men as the perpetrators and women as the victims. Just because she has emotional issues doesn’t mean she isn’t responsible for her actions. You have a right to feel angry, hurt and frustrated. You have a right to be treated with respect, kindness and stability. It’s up to you to decide what you deserve and want in a relationship and how much you can tolerate.

Posted via odumosu omotoyosi

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