Romantic Relationships are like vehicles, when new not much effort is needed for maintenance but as time goes by if not properly maintained,will lead to  break  down. Here are few tips to help you keep the spark up with your partner.

1.Never assume: If you need to know anything or something's fishy, ask your partner.

2.Speak up: If you do not like what your partner does,please speak up!. Don't let it pile up, the more you suck in the more toxic you become .Speak up,if you really have to.

3.Control your emotions: You don't have to shout, Express yourself in an appropriate way and if you're so angry that you can't keep your voice down. Try taking a walk.I understand that people have different ways of expressing their anger and for some,the only way to make their point known is by shouting. Just be in control of your emotions.

4.Be tolerant: You are two imperfect people.You don't have to speak up all the time if you don't like a thing, just tolerate it or else you'll will become a nagging  partner. Sometimes,you just have to let some things go.

4.Give attention:I am yet to find someone who doesn't want a bit of attention. Don't starve your partner, show them you care, Listen to your partner. Even if you are not interested in the gist,keep listening.If you are kind of too busy to listen,you could just say,'baby,spare me some minutes. I sincerely don't want to miss the gist.
PS: don't be rude about it.

5.keep your promise: people value what you do more than what you say. No one likes a promise breaker. The more promises you keep,the more trust your partner has in you. What if you forget things easily?Simple.Tell your partner you forget things easily and should keep on reminding you ,even if it means sending texts.

6.Be honest: the truth sucks!! But if you are honest and your partner still loves you. They are definitely loving you for who you are.

7.Compliment your partner.If you don't, who will?They appreciate it more when you compliment their beauty, clothes or anything about them.

8.Try to satisfy your partner: It is true that human wants are insatiable so you can't give them all they want but you can try within your limit to satisfy their needs in the relationship.Know what your lover needs. It could be   sex, romance, support. Do your bit.

To be continued...

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