Why do flavors like garlic and onion linger on our taste buds longer than others?

Are you curious? Most of us don't like onions, ginger and garlic because the smell lingers on, but it is important to emphasize the importance of theses spices apart from the fact they flavour our food, the serve as natural anti-toxins.
There is a compound in garlic called allyl methyl sulfide (AMS). It is a gas which gets absorbed into the blood when you are digesting the garlic (and onions and shallots). From the blood it is transferred to the lungs where it is then exhaled. A big part of flavor reception is through the nose so you get that lingering taste that way.

Some of the AMS compound is also released through the skin. Unfortunately, in people who have diets that use onion or garlic heavily, the smell can linger on for days. The smell seeps through the skin with sweat and you slowly start to smell of what you eat. 

These types of flavor compounds can be sucked up by your skin. To try this out, if you put some cut up garlic in between your toes, you can taste it after a little while. Garlic cloves are also used to clear up vaginal yeast infections (tucking it on up in there) and women do start to taste garlic after a while. Garlic is antimicrobial and slightly acidic. It can treat yeast infections by rebalancing vaginal Ph (vaginas are supposed to be acidic, about a 4) and killing some of the Candida overgrowth.

Nowadays commercial farmers prepare the animals we consume before they are even slaughtered. Some farmers make goats that are about to be slaughter eat garlic to flavor them from the inside. When they do kill them the blood gives off that garlic aroma.

A useful tip I would like to give here is that if your hands smell like garlic and the smell doesn’t come off with soap try rubbing them against the steel sink and wash them again. Steel neutralizes the odor.

Posted via odumosu omotoyosi

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