How to deal with people who think they are right all the time

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This article was inspired by a close friend of mine who thinks he is always right. Its always exhausting and frustrating having a conversation with people who think they are never wrong.
characteristics of "know it all" people.
These people are like moving targets. They blow hot and cold, they change direction constantly, they have a hard time prioritizing, they don’t credit others, except when finding faults in them, and, again, they have the overwhelming need to be right at all times. Often, they have domineering personalities that overwhelm people around them. Fundamentally, they are insecure people who are singularly dedicated to making those around them feel as miserable as they themselves are feeling. But the fact is that they will not admit this to themselves, because they are also masters of self-deception. Have you ever met anyone like this? Maybe a friend, spouse or a family member (Well I have). Well below are some of the ways to cope with their annoying attitude.

Basically there are two broad ways to deal with them. The first which I recommend is to ignore them most times, while the second is to deal with them.

If the person is a simple acquaintance or even a stranger, you likely don't need to be arguing with them at all. Respectfully distance yourself from them.
If the person is a coworker — or evenworse, your boss — approach the situation more carefully. In a friendly but assertive manner, explain to them that you feel like they are not respectfully validating your own thoughts and ideas. Point out that you value their opinion and would like
them to give you the same consideration. In case of your boss only put forth ideas you are sure of because if they finally listen to you and it doesn't work out right. Your reputation will be dented seriously and they will keep feeling right all the time..

It is important to note that pushing them will make it harder for you to make your point. The most effective way is to be on their side and suggest changes as an ally. This tends to work for most stubborn behaviour.

Good luck dealing with know it-all people.

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