1. You most probably weren’t the fastest sperm cell. The egg has an outer protective layer that takes several sperm to wear down before fertilization. Honestly, you were probably one of the slowest cells who arrived too late to do any work but still won the lottery. Also, the egg actually has a number of chemical barriers that select sperm with certain attractive chemical markers. The egg actively chooses which packet of DNA makes it to fertilization. – Source
2. Bulls are color-blind and to them it doesn’t matter if the matador’s cape is red or any other color. It’s the flapping it in their face that makes them charge it. Furthermore, they are aggressive in the arena because before they are let loose, they are neglected, starved, and abused extensively. – Source
3. Carrots don’t give you good eyesight. This was propaganda spread by the British soldiers in WW2 to hide from the Germans the fact that they had invented radar and could detect incoming air-raids much earlier. – Source
4. Carrots are bad for rabbits. The misconception that rabbits loved them started with the popularity of Bugs Bunny cartoons. – Source
5. Men do not think about sex every six seconds, but an average man thinks about sex 19 times a day, according to an Ohio State study. – Source (LADIES TAKE NOTE).
6. Mac or Apple computers aren’t “immune” to viruses and they’re definitely not immune to malware. – Source
7. Gladiators did not fight to the death. Sure they would fight and sometimes one would die, but they didn’t fight until one of them was dead. Sometimes it would just be until one was injured or one was too tired to go on. Gladiators were too expensive and valuable to have one killed at the end of every fight. – Source (spartacus was a lying)
8. Napoleon was not short. He was average height. There are two factors in this myth. One is the English, and the other is his bodyguard. The English used a different foot than the French did, which meant the 5’2″ French measurement was closer to 5’6″ English, which is average height. Secondly, he was often seen next to his bodyguards. Military guard units of the time generally consisted of the tallest men available. This means he was seen around guys who were significantly taller than him all the time. It is going make you look short. – Source
This “fact” has been so often repeated that most people don’t even question it anymore (thereby demonstrating that it may be true). However, even a moment’s consideration should demonstrate what a fallacy this idea is. The brain is a magnificent organ that does everything from making sure you don’t forget to blink once in a while to helping you remember where you put the car keys. To use only 10% of it, then, would render it little more than vestigial organ which, while making getting shot in the head more an annoyance than a catastrophe, is obviously nonsense. The fact is that despite evidence to the contrary, everyone uses 100% of their brain all the time; it’s just that different parts of it do different things. While it is possible that only 10% of the brain is used for the higher brain functions such as cognitive thought, reasoning, and memory, that doesn’t mean the rest of it is sitting idle. It’s just that those other parts are busy doing all sorts of other things like keeping your heart pumping and making sense of the millions of bits of data being sent to it by the bodies’ sensing organs. In reality, science is only just beginning to understand the complexities of the human brain and its capacity for doing all the stuff it does on a daily basis, making it more of a mystery than ever. The prospect that many of us don’t use our brain to its fullest capacity, however, may be worth considering, but that is a subject for another day.
10. There is no such thing as “Left brain vs. right brain” in terms of logic vs. creativity or emotion vs. analysis. The hemispherical breakdown in the brain pertains mostly to control of a specific side of your body in terms of motor function, but things like analytics, creativity, and other higher functions are spread out between both hemispheres. – Source
I don't get number 10
Psycholinguistics taught that the brain is divided in two two parts. Read lateralisation for more details