15 Interesting Shower Thoughts

 Showerthought is a loose term that applies to any thoughts, ideas, or philosophical questions that race through your head while carrying out a routine task like showering, driving, or daydreaming.

1-15 Interesting Shower Thoughts

1. The person who would proof read Hitler’s speeches was a grammar Nazi.
2. You should be able to yell “BE RIGHT THERE” to your phone and since it knows you’re coming, it should give you a few extra rings before sending the user to voicemail.

3. I am more responsible with the resources I have in video games than I am with the resources I have in real life.

4. The word “Fat” just looks like someone took a bite out of the first letter of the word “Eat”

5.  I’m so afraid of commitment that when choosing a default app to open a file, I always pick ‘just once’ over ‘always.’

6. There are seven year olds in America who have never had a white president.

7. Humans spend the first 18 (or more) years of their lives getting caught up to speed about what the other humans have been doing for the past few thousand years.

8.  I can search the entire Internet faster than I can search my computer.

 9. Two decades ago, you couldn’t be sure of contacting a person by email, because they might be too old-fashioned for it. Today, you can’t be sure of contacting a person by email, because it might be too old-fashioned for them.

10.  When a pregnant woman swims, she is a human submarine.

11. If super heroes were real, I doubt they’d spend as much time in first world countries, like they do in the comics.

12.  Everybody dislikes movie “signs” for having aliens that invade a planet that is 70% water and deadly to them, but we are trying to colonize mars and we can’t even breathe on it

13  My brain knows how to type without looking at the keyboard yet I cannot draw a QWERTY keyboard from memory.

14. People who skip church to watch football probably do more praying than they would have in church anyway.

15. The more serious a relationship gets, the more casual it is. 

 Seeing as how both Batman and Ironman’s only real super powers are that they are super rich and very smart, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs sure turned out to be disappointments.