1, Introspection:
Introspection is one of the most fundamental necessities of trying to understand who you are and what your place in the world is. It should be necessary to everyone to explain to themselves in a satisfactory manner a) why they believe in what they believe b) is there a possibility of them being completely and utterly wrong in their conclusions. In addition, being able to examine your own internal process from a non-involved vantage point while it’s happening is extremely helpful in creating a complete idea of your self-identity.
2. A sense of internal pluralism.
The mental landscape of the human mind is not a singular thing, it can be best described as a debate by an inconsistent committee of contradictory opinions. I dare say that most people don’t realize that they have more than one internal voice, especially since it’s considerably easier to go along with the conclusion of the most vocal one at any given time. Just recognizing the fact that you do indeed have, as it were, an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other, helps to give you a sense of who you really are.
Just for clarification, I’m not talking about hearing voices. I’m talking about the fact that there are different parts in a person’s mental make-up, otherwise there wouldn’t be much sense in the idiom “to argue with oneself” or in the concept of self-doubt. The non-involved vantage point that I mentioned earlier basically means that a part of you notices when you’re arguing with yourself and can observe the process.
3, Solipsism
For any of this to make sense, every adult person should have a satisfactory rational explanation as to why they can say that an external world beyond their own internal world exists in the first place. Without having done so, one’s opinions on the external world seem rather pointless to begin with, so it is an essential foundation to build everything else on.
4. introspective Illusion
We humans tend to trust our own introspection to a greater extent than that of anyone else, because we have no direct means of observing the latter. What this really means is that we tend to evaluate our own actions based on our underlying internal motives, and everybody else’s based on the consequences of their actions. The net effect of this can be devastating, as thinking along these lines makes it impossible for us to appreciate the internal motives of anyone else. To give a prosaic example: if you slip on, say, a wet surface, you’d think to yourself “it wasn’t my fault that I slipped, the conditions were surprising and unfavorable” but someone observing the incident might simply think “whoa, that dude is really clumsy.” When you extend this to a confrontational situation, you end up with some of the bloodiest conflicts possible; people only realize their own justifiable motivations for aggression, misunderstanding, or simply not caring about those of the opposing party. This results in rhetoric like “we are simply trying to defend ourselves from an external threat (own internal introspection), which was originally instigated by Those Evil People because they’re a bunch of Really Nasty Bastards (simplification of introspection of other party).” The results of this kind of thinking can be seen in every genocide that has ever befallen our species, because just observing the consequences makes it a lot easier to label someone evil. This mode of thought is endemic to being human, but at least you should have a mental warning signal going off in your head when you notice yourself doing something like that.
One more example to illustrate the point; you lend your car to a friend, who ends up accidentally crashing it. He/she’ll be saying how sorry they are and how they didn’t mean it, but you’ll still be angry, because f**k, you crashed my car. If the situation were reversed, you’d be exhorting how you didn’t mean to do it, but the person from whom you lent the car would be pissed off, maybe even more so because of your ‘excuses,’ and you’d wonder why he couldn’t relent even a bit, because you really didn’t mean to do it. The reason is quite simply because your explanation has to do with your motives, but his/her perspective is based solely on the consequences. You have fundamentally two completely different perspectives in that given exchange. Sounds quite familiar when put like that, doesn’t it?

Once you start with introspection, and realize the possible fallacy that you’re unwittingly committing by downplaying those of other people, you quickly run into the possibility that everything you think and believe might be utterly and completely wrong, or at least not as absolute as you previously thought. This usually results in either taking a healthier perspective regarding your own opinions or a full-blown existential crisis.
Have a lovely week people...
Article inspired by kick ass.