YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL- a poem by Taiwo Oluwaseyi


Wild on the rage of lust sage
I have seen while there is no enigma
Albeit!,I turned it all off in a feisty cage
While the night comes,spilling the rage of dilemma
Lay in my craveless alcove while we get wild with our love story
The seedling light lays bare as a conduit witness
Smile while the face is still young and beautiful
Will you still love me while all is still young and dauntless?
Wedging the gain of a fruitful virginity rather than getting it putrid
I know that you will still love me when all is graceless
We need not count the scores of our love story
Still,no need of papers chasing papers;pen!
There is more of us being a subject and a predicate We could modify ourselves like an adjectival clause
We could make a cost when its still young and beautiful!